Approx. 5 miles, easy. mostly paved paths
We will trudge through meadows surveying to determine the best place to make camp over this coming
1777 winter as the British have mercilessly driven us from the warmth of our hearths in nearby Philadelphia.
The advance surveying party from Berks County will determine defensible positions and cross open
meadows where sunblock and/or colonial hats may be appropriate. Bring vittles for lunch at the picnic tables
left at the park by friendly patriots. Bad weather cancels. (We are not as tough as our ancestors...)
1st Meeting place: 9:00 a.m. at Boscov’s east parking lot, 4500 Perkiomen Ave
2nd Meeting place: 10:00 a.m. at Varnum’s Picnic Area, Route 23 (Valley Forge Rd) - Valley Forge Park
DIRECTIONS: Take 422 east (about 34 miles from Boscov’s) to exit Rt. 23 Bridgeport/Valley Forge.
(This is approx. 4.1 miles after Oaks exit.) The road expands to three lanes over the bridge. Use
the right-most lane and curve right towards Valley Forge at top of exit. There are two traffic lights
close together. At second light, turn right onto Rt 23 west. (If you were to go straight at this light
you’d go into the Visitor Center.) Go 1.6 miles to parking lot for Varnum’s Picnic area on right -
about a half mile past the Valley Forge Chapel. As you approach, there is a slight S turn to the left.
As the S straightens, you’ll see SLOW marked on the pavement and a sign on the right warning of
pedestrians. Entrance is immediately after the pedestrian sign. (If coming from Phoenixville on Rt
23, Varnum’s is approx. 0.8 miles from Washington Headquarters’ traffic light.)
GPS: 40.10459, -75,44670 No address. Use Von Steuben Monument for nearby address.
For more information or furtehr directions, contact the Rebel Leader Lou! – 215-514-9016